
An asynchronous deployment and operations platform with the aim to better enable simplicity, faster time to delivery, and consistency.

This project is maintained by oshied


A Containerfile and image has been provided allowing operators to run the Server and Client components within a container. While containerization functions and is a great tool for development and test, it is recommended to only run the Server component within a container in production scenarios.

Pre-built containers are available

Pre-built Directord images are available on my the major public registries.

Github Package
$ podman login -u $USERNAME
$ podman pull
$ podman pull
$ docker pull cloudnull/directord

Building the container

$ podman build -t directord -f Containerfile

Running the container in Server mode

When running Directord in server mode two things need to happen.

  1. Create a volume for the container to access local artifacts.

  2. Create a volume for the client to access the server socket.

$ mkdir -p ~/local/share/directord ~/local/share/directord/etc
$ podman run --hostname directord \
             --name directord-server \
             --net=host \
             --env DIRECTORD_MODE=server \
             --volume ${HOME}/local/share/directord/etc:/etc/directord:z \
             --volume ${HOME}/local/share/directord:${HOME}/local/share/directord \
             --detach \
             --user 0 \
             directord directord

NOTE: the volume --volume ${HOME}/local/share/directord:${HOME}/local/share/directord is specifically using the full path so that the file system structure within the server mirrors that of the local file system. This is important when working with artifacts that are not native to the container. While this path is a share, it could be any mirrored file system path and works perfectly with shared file-systems.

Operators following this example will need to copy content on the local system into ${HOME}/local/share/directord before running jobs that assume read access to artifacts; such as exec COPY or ADD jobs and all orchestrations.

Example local client action using a containerized server.

$ directord --socket-path /tmp/directord.sock manage --list-nodes

Because the Directord server runs in an unprivileged container, it can also run in a root-less container. This also means multiple containerized Directord servers can run on a single node, provided --net=host isn’t used.

Running the container in Client mode

While running clients in a container is functional, their is limited, especially as it pertains to physical infrastructure.

$ podman run --hostname $(hostname)-client \
             --name directord-client \
             --net=host \
             --env DIRECTORD_ZMQ_SERVER_ADDRESS= \
             --env DIRECTORD_ZMQ_SHARED_KEY=secrete \
             --user 0 \
             --detach \
             directord directord

NOTE: the DIRECTORD_ZMQ_SERVER_ADDRESS environment variable needs to point to the IP address or Domain name of the Directord server.

Running pods

Both the directord server and client can be run within a container pod. Pod definition files have been provided in the assets directord and can be used to rapidly instantiate infrastructure.

At this time podman play does require that the command be run as root.

$ podman play kube pods/pod-directord-server.yaml
$ podman play kube pods/pod-directord-client.yaml

Touchless Operations

Because the server can be containerized it is possible to run Directord on any container servicing environment without having to officially install the application on the local system using conventional packages. Interfacing with a container can be done in an almost endless number of ways. In the following example a shell function is used to exec into a running directord-server container and interface with the client.

function directord() {
  podman exec -ti directord-server /directord/bin/directord --socket-path /tmp/directord.sock $@;

Running Touchless with the above container invocations still assumes that the working path, where artifacts can be read or written, is ~/directord.