
An asynchronous deployment and operations platform with the aim to better enable simplicity, faster time to delivery, and consistency.

This project is maintained by oshied


Directord can be installed and used on systems or in containers. If installing on a system, the tools/ script can be used to install Directord into a virtual environment.

Directord allows for the user to configure the application using environment variables, a configurations file, or command line switches.

NOTE: Because the user interface communicates with the server over a UNIX socket, the User and Server components are assumed to exist on the same machine.

Bootstrap natively

Directord provides a bootstrap method which uses a catalog file to run the operations. The catalog file uses a subset of the orchestration syntax, with slight modifications to the target layout which is done to support extra SSH information.

This is a catalog example

  - host:
    port: 22
    username: centos  # If undefined the username is the same as the executing user.

    port: 22
    username: centos  # If undefined the username is the same as the executing user.
  - host:

An example inventory catalog can be found under tools/directord-inventory-catalog.yaml.

Once the catalog file is setup, running a cluster wide bootstrap is simple. In this example the first catalog option is referencing the unique inputs that represent a given data center. The second catalog file is referencing built-in file maintained by Directord to deploy Directord.

$ directord bootstrap --catalog ${CATALOG_FILE_NAME} --catalog tools/directord-prod-bootstrap-catalog.yaml

The catalog input can be used more than once and can be totally user defined. While a built-in has been provided as an example, users are free to do whatever they see fit to achieve their bootstrap goals.

All values within a set of catalog files can be used as blueprinted options with commands. This makes it possible to set any key and value within a catalog file and use that option as an argument. This is specifically used in the default bootstrap catalog file to dynamically source the server address for clients; blueprinting is basic jinja and for the purpose of the bootstrap example is used like so "".

The bootstrap process within directord exposes a magic variable with all of the job definitions in it for a given execution. This allows operators to make runtime decisions when bootstrapping clients using all available information. The magic variable directord_bootstrap contains options specific to a single client.

Example options from the directord_bootstrap key.

      "name": "String",
      "host": "String",
      "port": 22,
      "username": "String",
      "key_file": "String",
      "jobs": [],

In a touchless operations scenario only the directord_clients would need to be defined for a bootstrap operation as the server would be provided for using the container image.

This method will bootstrap any defined servers in serial and all clients in parallel with a maximum default thread count of 10; the thread count can be modified using the --thread switch in the bootstrap mode.

Encryption Key Rotation and Restarting

Once Directord is up and running, you can restart it across a cluster and re-encrypt the environment, just as easily as it was bootstrapped. The directord-restart-catalog.yaml catalog file has been provided as an example of running a re-encryption and restart via SSH, which is useful should the cluster have been in a downed state.

$ directord bootstrap --catalog ${CATALOG_FILE_NAME} --catalog tools/directord-restart-catalog.yaml

Additional key rotation techniques are covered under the following Authentication section.

Bootstrap with Ansible

It is possible to bootstrap Directord with ansible. The following example is a minimal inventory which could be used to bootstrap a cluster with Directord.

    ansible_user: centos

An example inventory can be found under tools/ansible-inventory.yaml.

With the inventory created, run the bootstrap playbook from the tools directory.

$ ansible-playbook --inventory ~/directord-inventory.yaml tools/ansible-bootstap-playbook.yaml

The bootstrap playbook will assume the installation is from source.

Package based Installations By Hand

At this time Directord doesn’t have a pre-built package for the purpose of installation. However all of the directord dependencies can be installed via packaging leaving only directord running in a thin virtual environment.

Before installing Directord appropriate repositories need to be setup within the environment. On enterprise Linux environments repositories can be setup using EPEL or RDO.

On fedora based systems, running Fedora 33 or later, all of the packages are available without additional repositories.

Installing EPEL repositories

$ dnf -y install epel-release

Installing RDO repositories

$ dnf -y install

Once appropriate repositories are setup, install the required packages.

dnf -y install git python3 python3-tabulate python3-zmq python3-pyyaml python3-jinja2

If you intend to run the Directord server web UI install the one UI dependency.

dnf -y install python3-flask

Now install the core dependencies.

dnf -y install zeromq libsodium

As mentioned, Directord doesn’t have an a package to install at this time. To get directord installed create a virtual environment and install directord from a given checkout into the virtual environment.

python3 -m venv --system-site-packages /opt/directord
/opt/directord/bin/pip install git+

Once Installed further installation customizations can be made within the /etc/directord path. Additionally, systemd unit files can be installed using the directord-server-systemd or directord-client-systemd entry points accordingly. See the Service Setup Section for more on these options.

Directord comes with the ability to pre-create systemd service unit files when required. When directord is installed two additional entrypoints are created for directord-server-systemd and directord-client-systemd. These utilities will create relevant service unit files and ensure the execution path is set correctly. This allows operators to easily install and run Directord, even when executing from a virtual-environment.

The service unit, for both server and client, assumes that all configuration will be performed through the /etc/directord/config.yaml file. This configuration file maps all arguments that can be defined on the CLI to is a simple key=value pair.

Example configuration file
debug: true
Installations By Script

The script, within the tools directory, can be used to automate the setup of Directord using a package based installation which was created to provide a means to bootstrap clusters quickly in a production environment.

The script, within the tools directory can be used to automate the setup of Directord from source, which was created to allow developers to get and running quickly with Directord on a development system.

Upgrading Directord

Directord comes with many pre-built tools to get operators up and running with ease. One of the pre-built tools that Directord ships with is the ability to easily update an environment using the very same bootstrap command used for mass installation.

$ directord bootstrap --catalog ${CATALOG_FILE_NAME} --catalog tools/directord-dev-upgrade-catalog.yaml

With the bootstrap command operators can be sure Directord is updated to the latest release, en-mass, without much effort.