
An asynchronous deployment and operations platform with the aim to better enable simplicity, faster time to delivery, and consistency.

This project is maintained by oshied

Orchestration file specification

Orchestration files allow directord to run any number of jobs against a given set of targets. The specification file is simple and made to be easy. Each file is loaded as an array and can contain many jobs.


The values available within an orchestration file are targets and jobs.

Asynchronous orchestrations allow operators to run many orchestrations at the same time while following the defined task ordering.

Example Orchestrations

This is the basic, syntax.

- targets: []
  jobs: []
  async: False

Within orchestration file the “targets” key is optional. If this key is undefined, Directord will run against all available targets.

- jobs: []

Running jobs requires each item be a key=value pair. The key is a VERB used for the given command and the value is the execution.

- jobs:
  - RUN: "echo hello world"

Each job can use either inline or YAML arguments. In the following example the orchestration is using a YAML argument to instruct the command to skip the cache.

- jobs:
  - RUN: "echo hello world"
      skip_cache: true

Several CLI options are available when orchestrating a deployment, such as --restrict and --ignore-cache. These option provide for the ability to replay specific tasks or forcefully ignore the client side cache.

Example Orchestration file

This example orchestration file will copy the local client ssh keys from the directory /home/centos/.ssh to all nodes within the clister. Then, on the three noted targets, wget will be installed.

- jobs:
  - WORKDIR: /home/centos/.ssh
  - RUN: chmod 600 /home/centos/.ssh/* && chmod 700 /home/centos/.ssh
  - ADD: /home/centos/.ssh/* /home/centos/.ssh/
      chown: "centos:centos"
  - RUN: --skip-cache echo hello world
- targets:
  - RUN: dnf install -y wget

Upon the execution of each job, a new UUID will be presented to you for tracking purposes. This information can be used with the manage commands.

Running an orchestration is simple and follows the same pattern as running an adhoc execution.

$ directord orchestrate ${ORCHESTRATION_FILE_NAME} [<switches> ...]

Jobs breakdown

Each job within the jobs list is a dictionary item with the fist key ALWAYS representing the verb used within the given job. This verb corresponds to a known component.

All jobs can make use extra options to enhance the user experience. This options are useful when defining complex variables, which may be difficult to express inline or within a “string” format.