
An asynchronous deployment and operations platform with the aim to better enable simplicity, faster time to delivery, and consistency.

This project is maintained by oshied


Directord uses a DSL inspired by the Containerfile specification. The aim of Directord isn’t to create a new programing language, it is to get things done, and then get out of the way.


To access component specific help information the --exec-help flag can be used.

$ directord exec --verb ${COMPONENT} '--exec-help true'

Extra options

Every job has the ability to skip a cache hit should one be present on the client node. To instruct the system to ignore all forms of cache, add the --skip-cache to the job definition.

$ directord exec --verb RUN '--skip-cache echo -e "hello world"'

Every job can be executed only one time. This is useful when orchestrating a complex deployment where service setup only needs to be performed once. Use the --run-once flag in your command to ensure it’s only executed one time.

$ directord exec --verb RUN '--run-once echo -e "hello world"'

Every job has the ability to define am execution timeout. The default timeout is 600 seconds (5 minutes) however, each job can set a timeout to suit it’s specific need. Setting a timeout in the job is does with the --timeout switch which takes a single integer as an argument.

$ directord exec --verb RUN '--timeout 1 sleep 10'

The above example with trigger the timeout signal after 1 second of execution time.

Components power Directord and provide well documented interfaces.

Basic Component Options

All component inherit the following basic options.

Built-in Components

The following section covers all of the built-in components Directord ships with.


Syntax: STRING

Execute a command. The client terminal will execute using /bin/sh.

Extra arguments available to the RUN component.



Sets a cached item within the argument system, which allows for the brace expansion of items within a command or through the blueprint interface.

Argument values are cached for 12 hours.



Sets a cached item within the environment system used to augment command line execution.

Environmental values are cached for 12 hours.



Copy a file or glob of files to a remote system. This method allows operators to define multiple files on the CLI using the specific file, or a glob of files within a given path.

When copying multiple files, ensure that the destination path ends with an operating system separator.

Extra arguments available to the ADD component.

When a copy command has a brace expanded path, the value must be quoted: example/path "/example//path". The quotes around the brace exampled target path ensure that the string is preserved by the parser and is passed, as is, to the execution engine.


The same as ADD.


Syntax: STRING

Extra arguments available to the WORKDIR component.

Create a directory on the client system.


Syntax: STRING

Read a JSON or YAML file on the client side and load the contents into argument cache. While cached arguments can easily be defined using the ARG or ENV component, the CACHEFILE component provides a way to load thousands of arguments using a single action.

A cache file allows Directord to rapidly ingest large sets of arguments which can later be used in blueprints or dynamic commands.


Syntax: STRING

Evicts all cached items from a given tag. Built-in tags are: jobs, parents, args, envs, query, all.

While all cached items have a TTL of 12 hours, this method is useful to purge items on demand.

The “all” keyword will evict all items from the cache.


Syntax: STRING

Scan the environment for a given cached argument and store the resultant on the target. The resultant is set in dictionary format:

  "query": {
    "query_identity_0": {
      "query_arg3": "query_value"
    "query_identity_1": {
      "query_arg0": "query_value",
      "query_arg1": "query_value"
    "query_identity_2": {
      "query_arg1": "query_value",
      "query_arg2": "query_value",
      "query_arg3": "query_value"

The query cache is accumulative, and will always store items under the host in which the value originated.

Note that the key query stores all of the queried values for a given item from across the cluster. This provides the ability to store multiple items and intelligently parse/blueprint data based on node memberships.

The QUERY will spawn a new async ARG task which will store the returned values across the orchestration targets.


Evicts all items from all worker queues. This component is useful to halt all further execution on a given target.

Contributed Components

The following section covers all of the contributed components Directord ships with.

Contributed components are not fully integrated and may lack testing, but otherwise are supported within Directord.


This features allows operators to run, manage, or manipulate pods across a Directord cluster.

At this time pod management requires podman.

When installing Directord with pip, the dev optional packages are needed on the client side to manage pods; pip install directord[dev].

Client side podman needs to be setup to enable the socket API. The orchestration podman.yaml can be used to automate the podman installation and setup process.


Syntax: STRING

Sets SELinux context for a given target.



Install/Update/Remove packages using dnf.

NOTE: Installation assumes metadata cache is available. Use –clear-metadata to ensure it’s available at least once during an orchestration.



Manage systemd service state

NOTE: If no options are provided, a service will be started only.



Reboot takes an integer value which is interpreted as seconds before executing a reboot.

The default reboot wait time is 10 seconds.

Reboot operations are performed with systemctl on the client side. If the remote system does not support this method, additional operations can be performed using the RUN component in non-blocking mode.


Syntax: STRING

Block client task execution until a specific item is present in the remote query cache.

The lookup will search for a KEY within the query cache using the input string by flattening the identity cache blobs.

While blocking, the loop will wait 1 second between check intervals.


Syntax: STRING

Block client task execution until a specific job has entered a completed state.

JOB_WAIT requires the job SHA to block. This is most useful for component developers using callback jobs.


Syntax: [CMD ...]

Conditional wait based on time, url, or command

The options --seconds, --url, and --cmd are mutually exclusive and one of the options must be provided. When --cmd is specified any additional that are not specifically parameters are assumes to be a command to run similar to the RUN component.


Syntax: STRING

Executes basic container image commands - pull, push, list, inspect, tag.

The options --push, --pull, --list, --inspect and --tag are mutually exclusive and one of the options must be provided.


Syntax: STRING

Runs facter on the target and saves result to cache.

User defined Components

User defined components are expected to be in the /etc/directord/components, or within the package maintained share path share/directord/components. When running user defined components, Directord will ship them to target nodes when needed and ensure remote nodes are up-to-date with the latest version. Because Directord will automatically handle the transport, developing new components is simple.

Complete User Defined Component Example

An example user defined component is available within the components directory of Directord; echo component.

Minified Example
from directord import components

from directord.components.lib import cacheargs

class Component(components.ComponentBase):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__(desc="Process echo commands")

    def args(self):
            help=("add echo statement for tests and example."),

    def server(self, exec_array, data, arg_vars):
        super().server(exec_array=exec_array, data=data, arg_vars=arg_vars)
        data["echo"] = self.known_args.echo
        return data

    def client(self, cache, job):
        return job["echo"], None, True, None

To build a component, only three methods are required. args, server, client.

Method Return Description
args None Defines arguments used within a component. Sets component arguments.
server Dictionary -> {…} Encompasses everything that must be done server side. Returns formatted data.
client Tuple -> (STDOUT, STDERR, OUTCOME) Encompasses everything that will be done client side. Returns results.

Once the user defined component is developed and in-place, it responds just like a built-in, with all the same syntactic guarantees across executions and orchestrations.

The following shell output is from the invocation of the above user-defined component, which can also be seen here.

Help Information From Components

All components have access to --exec-help which will provide information on specific options a component has.

$ directord exec --verb ECHO "--exec-help true"
usage: directord [--exec-help] [--skip-cache] [--run-once] [--timeout TIMEOUT] echo

Process echo commands

positional arguments:
  echo               add echo statement for tests and example.

optional arguments:
  --exec-help        Show this execution help message.
  --skip-cache       For a task to skip the on client cache.
  --run-once         Force a given task to run once.
  --timeout TIMEOUT  Set the action timeout. Default 600.
  --force-lock       Force a given task to run with a lock.
Executing a User Defined Component
$ directord exec --verb ECHO "true"
Job received. Task ID: 09a0d4aa-ff84-40e4-a7e2-88be8dff841a
Inspecting an Execution
$ directord --debug manage --job-info 09a0d4aa-ff84-40e4-a7e2-88be8dff841a
DEBUG Executing Management Command:list-jobs
KEY                   VALUE
--------------------  -------------------------------------------------------
ID                    09a0d4aa-ff84-40e4-a7e2-88be8dff841a
STDOUT       = true
VERB                  ECHO
JOB_SHA3_224          86823a46fb4af75c9f93c8bedb301dfa8968321a
                      echo = true
                      timeout = 600
                      job_sha3_224 = 86823a46fb4af75c9f93c8bedb301dfa8968321a
                      job_id = 09a0d4aa-ff84-40e4-a7e2-88be8dff841a
                      parent_id = 09a0d4aa-ff84-40e4-a7e2-88be8dff841a
PARENT_JOB_ID         09a0d4aa-ff84-40e4-a7e2-88be8dff841a
PROCESSING            False
EXECUTION_TIME        0.0037195682525634766
ROUNDTRIP_TIME        0.023545026779174805

Total Items: 14

The --job-info command also accepts special identifiers (last), to more quickly inspect certain executions.

$ directord --debug manage --job-info last
Building an Orchestration
- jobs:
  - ECHO: Hello World

Developing Adapted Components

User defined components can be developed from scratch or through adaptation of existing solutions. Because the Directord component implementation is so simple,k it is possible to create new modules from existing solutions, like Ansibe modules without a lot of effort.

The ComponentBase offers an Ansible documentation to Directord argument conversion method options_converter, which will allow developers to create new Directord components with ease. An example of a converted module can be seen in the container_config_data component and found here.

Job specification

Key Value
${COMPONENT_OPTS} Component specific options
verb Component verb
timeout Time value in seconds
skip_cache Boolean, skips local cache checks
targets Array of targets
job_id UUID
job_sha3_224 Job SHA in SHA3 224
extend_args Boolean
parent_async_bypass Boolean
parent_sha3_224 Parent SHA in SHA3 224
parent_id UUID